Pig Ear Strips

(2 customer reviews)


100% pig ears

We’re all ears for Pig Ears!
A high protein and natural small dog treat and puppy snack, that cleans your dog’s teeth.
Simple, long-lasting and delicious.

High Protein
All natural
No added colours or flavours
Natural alternative to highly processed commercial dental sticks
Great for dental hygiene
Can also provide with a great amount of mental stimulation, and can help alleviate boredom
Suitable for puppies from 8 weeks onwards (to be fed under supervision)

2 reviews for Pig Ear Strips

  1. Caitlin

    All my dogs had great success with this project. Was a bit worried as pig ears can give them the runs, with the strips it was the perfect amount to give them a snack and no digestive issues!

  2. Caitlin

    All my dogs had great success with this product. I was a bit worried as pig ears can give them the runs, with the strips it was the perfect amount to give them a snack and no digestive issues!

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